This is a view from our rooftop in Seo-gu. I have yet to learn the mountain's name. You can see a church spire with a red neon crucifix. Red neon light seems to be the standard for crucifixes atop spires. I think this rooftop has a lot of potential.

Here is a bridge near our place. Faded, kindergarten colours are de rigueur for architectural elements here in Seo-gu. It is difficult to tell in this picture, but this bridge is Christmas themed.

A view of apartments from the bridge. Our own building (not pictured) tops out at 4 floors.

A partial view of Seo-gu from "our" mountain. The housing is dense, and interspersed with farmland and forests. To the left is an expanse of industrial plots, and if you squint you might see a bridge which takes you towards the airport.

Seo-gu, our new home for a year?



