OK Korea + Harrow Kimchi = OK Kimchi

OK Kimchi was conceived when friend and fellow blogger Jenna proposed that we collaborate on a photo project. The result is an ongoing series of photos published in pairs: one from me, and one from her. We take turns selecting a photo from our time in Korea to which the other responds.

The exercise has been, for me, fun but also exhausting. Each addition by Jenna prompts me to revisit my archive, to pore through the thousands of images in order to further the dialogue. It is daunting, challenging but also rewarding. Memories are revisited, recontextualized, and in the act of pairing, I would say, newly synthesized.


This revival of your blog is exciting! Will it continue with your fancy pants camera?  

hmm its interesting how expats in korea describe their experience as "i like xxx and xxx but just not together gosh!"

there was another k-blogger who "teaches and knits but not simultaneously"


YOU're exciting. And I think yes.  

that's pretty freaky, dokebi.  


